Vlastimil Fiala
Laminated softcover
The winner of the tournament was F. J. Marshall, followed by the outstanding New York chess players of the early 20th century, G. Simonson, O. Roething, J. Finn, E. Delmar, A. B. Hodges, J. M. Hanham, etc.
The booklet is 64 pages long, containing a total of 50 games, which have been collected from a variety of original chess sources dating back to 1901 (Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York Sun, New York Tribune, New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, New York Clipper, etc.) The booklet is divided into an introduction and the following 11 chapters including newspaper articles arranged by tournament rounds. Readers will find 10 photographs of participants and the usual player and opening indexes in the booklet.