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The Chess Monthly 1858 (Volume 2, 1858)

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The Chess Monthly 1858
Edited by Morphy & Fiske


"In the February edition there is an amusing spoof of a recently expired chess player joining the Hades Chess Club and trying to fox a long-dead opponent by playing a new opening: what else should he choose but the Evans Gambit. Morphy lays down a challenge to the ""European Champion"" Staunton, to meet him in May 1858 for a stake of $5,000. One of the conditions was that the two players would reserve the right to publish the games. Morphy's triumphal progress through England is fully covered in subsequent months. Finally, in the December edition, there is the text of Morphy's letter to Staunton, lamenting editorial comments about Staunton's playing strength. Given the current state of the chess world, Staunton's scathing appraisal of match chess is worth reproducing here: ""A match at chess or cricket may be a good thing in its way, but none but a madman would, for either, forfeit his engagements an imperil his professional reputation."" (Reviewed by BCM)

29.00 EUR

734 CZK

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